Is it that time of year again? The time of year when beauty fills the air and every eye is on those beautiful autumn colors. We all know how beautiful the autumn sunrise can be, the smell in the air, the multitude of colors that graze every yard, the crisp, clean air the accompanies every gust of wind. All of the signs that tell us that white covered grounds are just around the corner. This is surely a beautiful time of year indeed. Of course with every beautiful autumn comes the annoyance of leaves decorating our ground and trying to take up all of our hard work.

The trees that decorate your property are now pouring themselves on the ground. You quickly find that your dream lawn is covered with annoying leaves.

As beautiful as autumn is, it can be just as annoying. But there's no need to let your autumn slumber be ruined by a few leaves. At Vo Landscaping, we offer top notch leave removal services that can save you the headache of having to worry about the minor follies of the season. Just give us a call and sit back and bask in the beauty of the season while our experienced professionals come and remove those pesky leaves that cover your beautiful landscape.

We provide our professional services in the areas in Connecticut surrounding Fairfield County, as well as the areas of New York surrounding Westchester. If you live in these areas and are burdened by the mess that autumn brings along with its beauty, then don't hesitate to give us a call.


After the beauty of autumn comes another beauty all its own. Winter brings with it an essence that is like none other, the essence that songs are written about. Yes we are talking about snow. Snow can be both beautiful, as well as annoying. Nevertheless, it is a major part of our world and goes by all sorts of different names. Snow is also called flakes, cups, bullets, plates, scrolls; you get the idea. Some even compare snow to sand in the desert, it is annoying, uncomfortable, and gets everywhere. However, snow doesn't have to be so annoying.

There are many more dangers that your landscape may face due to snow. Your prize trees and shrubs probably won't fare too well if covered in snow for a long period of time. Branches will start to bend and the more they bend, the more snow build-up they will be susceptible to, which will eventually cause them to break. Some trees are so small that snow build-up can even lay them over. You have spent money and time designing the perfect landscape and do not want this to happen to you. The only way to prevent these dangers from befalling your landscape is to remove the snow in a timely manner.

Landscape dangers are not the only issues that snow build up can cause. There are many safety issues as well, and your family's safety is your number one concern.

At Vo Landscaping, we offer snow removal services at affordable rates sure to fit any budget. Now you can just sit back and enjoy the beauty of a white morning without worrying about your family's safety or your landscape. Let our professionals come in and wipe your yard clean of any annoying snow and once again, reveal the beautiful landscape of your property. We provide these professional services in the areas in Connecticut surrounding Fairfield County, as well as the areas of New York surrounding Westchester. If you live in these areas and are burdened by the mess that snow brings along with its beauty, then don't hesitate to give us a call.